
The channel of NTV (ChP)
"Vitas in police" (5 mb)
Channel TVTS At last spring. (a celebratory concert) Vitas with a song Jamaica(7 mb)
On March, 8th
"Jamaica" (7 mb)
Telechannel of TV the CENTER Our music-2008 Vitas with a song (Lucia Di Lammermoor) 8,64 mb \\ 3,24 min
Our music-2008
"Lucia Di Lammermoor" (8 mb)

Our music-2008
"Jamaica" (8 mb)

Our music-2008
"Star" (8 mb)

Our music-2008
"Mama" (11 mb)

Our music-2008
"Opera №2" (9 mb)
Шанхай, Dragon TV  видео с сайта: www.vitas.com.ru
Shanghai, Dragon TV
"Lucia Di Lammermoor"
(wmv 5 mb) (wmv 15 mb) (avi 32 mb)
Шанхай, Dragon TV  видео с сайта: www.vitas.com.ru
Shanghai, Dragon TV
"Opera №2"
(wmv 6 mb) (avi 36 mb)

Frank recognition
"Presented horse" (2,5 mb)
Telechannel of NTV transfer (You! You will not believe) the Grandfather the Frost has presented Vitas a gift
You! You will not believe
"Gift from the Grandfather of the Frost"
(To load)
Telechannel of NTV transfer (You супер are old) Vitas with a song of Coast of Russia
You super are old
"Coast of Russia" (15 mb)
Telechannel of TV the CENTER Celebratory country Michael Evdokimova Vitas with a song (Coast of Russia) 8,54 mb \\ 3,10 min
The celebratory country Evdokimova
"Coast of Russia" (8 mb)
Telechannel of RTR New Year's blue spark Vitas with a song (Komarovo) 8,57 mb \\ 2,35 min
Blue spark 2008
"Komarovo" (8 mb)
Telechannel the Star New Year's spark Vitas with a song (Coast of Russia) 7,70 mb \\ 2,27 min
New Year's Spark
"Coast of Russia" (8 mb)
Telechannel of TV the CENTER New year in a circle of friends Vitas with a song (Jamaica) 8,55 mb \\ 2,48 min
New Year in a circle of friends
"Jamaica" (8 mb)

Saturday evening
"The fortuneteller" (10 mb)

To laugh it is authorized
"Cost a steam locomotive" (10 mb)

Frank recognition
"Sorcery" (7 mb)
Видео с сайта: www.wedos.narod.ru
Love magic
"Games with demons" (5 mb)
(Video from a site: wedos.narod.ru

You! You will not believe
"Vitas against skinhedov" (4 mb)

You! You will not believe
"Vitas searches to itself for the bride" (5 mb)

Concert VDV
"Shout crane" (5 mb)

Good songs
"Alms" (5 mb)

Good songs
"Cherry garden" (5 mb)

Good songs
"I ask all sacred" (5 mb)

Saturday evening
"Swan fidelity"(5 mb)

The program "Draw"
Draw Vitas (22 mb)

(90 years of Sea Aircraft)
Coast of Russia

Songs Lyubashi
My swan

Russian lotto

The program "Maximum"

The channel of NTV

Concert of memory of Derbenyov
Everyone can kings

1-st channel
The novel with a star


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