

Write here on all questions connected with work of a site, mistakes on it, And also your questions in case of occurrence at you what or difficulties, a wish, addition and the remark of administration of a site.
We are glad to any criticism and always ready to cooperation.

Administration of a site:

1. E-mail: admin-vk@mail.ru
2. For reception of a prompt reply write on
QIP: 404-993-794

You can send a photo, video, audio files, and also lyrics, figures, collages devoted Vitas.
We with pleasure shall place them on a site. We hope for your help!

Site of admirers Vitas All rights reserved 2008.
full or partial copying of materials is forbidden, at coordinated use of materials of a site the reference to a resource is necessary.


e-mail: admin-vk@mail.ru
icq:         404993794

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